9788002 - Maxinest plus Extra-Deep Single-height 600x400x360

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Image Of 9788002 - Maxinest plus Extra-Deep Single-height 600x400x360

9788002 - Maxinest plus Extra-Deep Single-height 600x400x360

Maxinest® is an award-winning, proven leader in the retail market. Maxinest® Plus features a conveyor base allowing it to function perfectly with automated handling equipment. With its high nesting ratio, the Maxinest® is designed to replace one-way transport packaging for food and grocery retail. Reduce your business' transport costs and improve the efficiency of your supply chain logistics. Maxinest® is the only produce tray offering multi-height options enabling the same tray to be used for different applications. Optimize your warehouse and vehicle fill with the Maxinest®. 

Meer details


  • Proven Retail Leader
  • High Nesting Ratio
  • Optimized Warehouse and Vehicle Fill
  • Interstackable
  • Versatile Range
  • Textured Surface
  • Multi-Height Options
  • Customizable
  • Single-Height Bale Arm
  • Maxinest® Plus

Product specificaties

Maximale buitenlengte (L)600 mm
Uitwendige maximale breedte (W)400 mm
Maximale externe hoogte (H)360 mm
Nettogewicht (Kg)2.75 kg
Operationeel temperatuurbereik-10 °C to 50 °C
  • Deel


SCHOELLER-Product Groups-Stack- and nestable containers.pdf
Maxinest One-Pager EU metrics.pdf
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