Big Box containers at Top Fruit

Top Fruit is a large apple and stone fruits cooperative in Poland with a production capacity around 16 000 ton of fruits per year: harvesting, cool chamber storage, automated sorting and distribution, from the Grojec area.
The initial situation
Wooden bulk boxes: main drawbacks: Weight of the empty box can weights 25% more when damp, so issues with weighting the fruits inside. Sensitive to moisture and causing fruit to ripe too fast or get damaged. Height can vary from one supplier to another (+/- 50mm) causing piling up issues. Stack load limited to 7 on 1. Unit load max 300 kgs Life time only 2 to 3 years, and maintenance needed.
The Schoeller Allibert solution
Rigid Big box and Max Agri, 100% plastic. Fully stable dimensions and weight whatever weather and environmental conditions.
Expected life time of 10 years with very small breakage rate. Making the investment highly and quickly profitable.
The Schoeller Allibert main benefits
Storage space savings thanks to 11 on 1 full big boxes piling up. No fungous development on plastic boxes plastic preventing fruits to decay. Automated floating emptying and sorting system. No water retention in Big boxes.
When needed empty Big boxes can be stored outside giving extra frees space in the storage rooms. More than 30 000 units sold and a forecast of an extra 9000 units for 2013 as Top fruit production capacity is increasing.